Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Operation: Thrift Shopping

This past weekend a couple friends and I embarked on a journey.
The goal? Get as much cool stuff as we could find for the best price. My specific goal? Stock pile enough projects to keep me busy the whole summer!
I'm happy to report it was more than a success!
We started our day in a junkyard.
You didn't believe me, did you? :) It was like true life American Pickers at this junkyard. We were crawling in and out of barns, old trailers, rail cars...you name it we were in it.

I found this sweet butcher block table there. It obviously needs quite a bit of TLC, but I am thinking I'll either turn this into a desk or a bar.

I also found this cart at the junkyard. Honestly, I have no idea what I'm going to do with this. BUT I do know that it is awesome, the price was right, and I had room in the back of my truck. So, it came home with me.

My friend Maddi had gotten these lockers at the same junkyard about a year ago. Shes moving to a new place, and doesn't have a need for them anymore. So, I obviously was ALL over them and had to snatch these up! Again, not a clue what I'm going to do with them at the moment, but aren't they AWESOME?!?! So many possibilities!

I also found some antique kitchen utensils to add to my kitchen soffit. Currently, my kitchen soffit is decorated with all vintage kitchen utensils and these were just what I needed to fill in the gaps! 
I also found these SWEET antique milk bottles. The plan for these is to clean them up and paint them. I will use them for decor in my living room.

I also found these old door knobs. *swoon* I'm going to find an old barn board and make a coat rack with these!

I also scored this sweet box. I have no idea what I'm going to do with this, but it was cheap, and cool, and it was calling my name, demanding me to purchase it. So I obeyed.

Ahh. I love thrifting. And, I'm kinda awesome at it! I mean really. Raise your hand if you are jealous of my awesome finds! ;)
Snap back to real life for a second...I now have to find the time to actually complete these projects.
Buzz kill.
But don't you worry. I got some sweet tools for Christmas after my last big project and they need to be used! I'd like to think my Dad gave me such nice tools because he loves me. But, I think it was because he is sick of me borrowing his tools and asking him to help me with these wild projects I come up with.
I think I'm going to have myself a busy summer crafting, so stay tuned for updates on these awesome finds! :)

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