As you might know here at Sassy Cows and Fancy things we get really excited about beef!
And guess what? May is National Beef Month!
So, in honor of National Beef Month, you will be seeing lots of my four legged friends around here as well as learning more about the beef industry.
My goal in doing this is two-fold. I would like to inspire you to celebrate beef month by enjoying high quality, mouth watering, grain-fed beef, and I would like this to be a learning opportunity for you, my readers!
This month of beef will be sponsored by one of my favorite beef producers: Randy at Euken Farms Inc.
He has no idea he is sponsoring this, but THANKS DAD! :)
I might even throw in a giveaway or two of, you guessed it, BEEF, which will be raised and fed by the best beef producer in the business.
So get excited because it's going to BEEF a great month around here! :)
I will not apologize for bad jokes.
Now fire up your grills and go eat some beef, folks!
Love your shirt! Happy National Beef Month!