Sunday, May 12, 2013

May Is Beef Month: Hey You!

Yeah, he's talking to you!

Are you guilty of thinking that you should limit your beef intake because you've heard it's not as healthy as other sources of protein?

Well I'm about to do some myth busting about my favorite source of lean, healthy protein. So, fire up your grills and heat up your ovens because your going to want to eat some beef after this!

Myth #1: Beef consumption should be limited because it’s bad for your heart and raises cholesterol.FACT:

Beef can be good for heart health. In fact, research shows that including lean beef, even daily, as part of a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle, improved cholesterol levels.

In addition, a recently published meta-analysis of eight randomized controlled trials compared cholesterol-lowering effects of beef versus poultry and fish and found no significant difference between the protein sources on total, LDL or HDL cholesterol levels.

This research provides convincing support that nutrient-rich lean beef can be a regular part of a healthy diet.
Myth #2: Americans already get too much protein.FACT:

Despite other changes in the way we eat, Americans have not increased their percentage of calories from protein in 30 years. Research shows that, on average, Americans consume 5.1 oz of protein foods daily, which is within the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendation of 5.5 oz for the Protein Group.
Many Americans could benefit from adding high-quality lean protein to their diets because of its beneficial role in weight management, healthy aging and disease prevention.

Myth #3: Americans eat too much red meat, especially beef.

Americans are eating beef at levels that fit a variety of healthy eating patterns, which can meet the goals of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Americans consume1.7 oz of beef daily, on average, well within the recommended amount of 5.5 oz from the Protein Group.

Calorie-for-calorie, lean beef is one of the most naturally nutrient-rich foods, providing 10 essential nutrients including protein, zinc and B vitamins and less than 10 grams of fat per 3-oz serving.

Myth #4: Beef is the primary source of fat and cholesterol in the diet.

Beef contributes less than 10 percent of saturated fat and total fat in the diet, and contributes less cholesterol to Americans’ diets (11%) compared to chicken (12%) and eggs (25%). Also, beef is considered one of the top sources of monounsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fat is the type of heart-healthy fat found in olive oil.

Myth #5: Lean cuts of beef are not easy to find in the grocery store.

Today’s beef is leaner than ever, and 67 percent of all beef muscle cuts sold at grocery stores are lean. In fact, many of Americans’ favorite cuts such as Top Sirloin, Tenderloin (Filet Mignon), Top Loin (Strip) steak and 93 percent lean or leaner Ground Beef are lean.

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